This is an appointment where the doctor tries to relieve the patient's pain. The most common causes of toothache are deep caries reaching the pulp (nerve) of the tooth. It is then required to start root canal treatment, which will be continued at the next visit. Such a visit is usually enough to make the acute symptoms disappear.
For less severe pain, it may be sufficient to perform a filling or a temporary filling.
Tooth extraction may be necessary in situations where a tooth is excessively damaged or the prognosis for treatment is uncertain. In some cases, there are indications and possibilities to perform such a procedure immediately, but it happens that tooth extraction must or should be postponed until the next visit. Your doctor may decide to need antibiotics as necessary prior to tooth extraction.
If the patient is afraid of removal, he or she can perform the procedure in laughing gas or under general anesthesia.
Due to the possible many causes of pain and various possible forms of treatment, it is difficult for us to identify a specialist. Each of our doctors is able and will try to give the patient relief in such a situation, regardless of their specialization and experience.
A visit related to a tooth fracture / broken tooth
There are different causes of tooth fracture. A small part of the tooth may break off after an injury, as a result of the loss of all or part of the filling, tooth fracture due to caries or by breaking a prosthetic restoration.
In some simple situations, a solution is possible on the first visit, sometimes it may even require several visits.
In the event of loss of a prosthetic restoration, it is not always possible to re-stick it. Prosthetic restorations usually fall off due to the destruction of the tooth underneath the restoration or its faulty execution. If it comes to a tooth that is being damaged, the restoration often no longer fits the newly repaired tooth or it is not possible to save a badly damaged tooth. Crowns and bridges are most often made when the tooth is badly damaged, so further deterioration of its condition may make subsequent treatment impossible.
Due to the possible many causes of tooth fracture and various possible forms of treatment, it is difficult for us to identify a specialist. Each of our doctors will try to help the patient in such a situation, regardless of their specialization and experience.
The 3G Dentist clinic in Krakow offers the following services among the others: