Spark is simply a successor to the Invisalign system, i.e. a system of digitally produced transparent aligners that are worn on the teeth. Made of thermoplastic material, they remain practically invisible during use. The first thing that makes Spark different from others is the material the aligners are made of. This material is more resistant to discoloration than Invisalign, providing sustained, uninterrupted pressure on the teeth while maintaining patient comfort. Each stage of wearing a given Spark pad set should last 7-14 days, depending on the doctor's preferences and treatment plan assumptions. The system is also suitable for various types of orthodontic defects - from mild to complex, because it allows the use of various accessories (so-called attachments) supporting the treatment process.
Convenience above all
Transparent aligners are considered to be a more convenient method than permanent braces, more precise and faster, because they do not cause unnecessary movements of the teeth. When it comes to Spark's costs, everything is individual, but overall they can be considered comparable to treatment with Invisalign. From the patient's point of view, comfort is important (the overlays do not interfere with everyday activities and are practically invisible). You have to wear them 22 hours a day, but you can take them off if necessary, e.g. for dinner, brushing your teeth or a date. Any sport can be practiced there! In addition, compared to a traditional fixed apparatus with locks, they are practically faultless.